Bhopal: Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Monday said that the super specialty hospital being opened in Vindhya will give a new identity to the region and people of Rewa, Shahdol and bordering areas of Uttar Pradesh will get quality health care services. He said that providing better health services was the commitment of his government which was also making efforts to provide medicines to cancer patients free of cost. Chief Minister participated in foundation laying ceremony of super specialty hospital through Tele conferencing. Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Phaggan Singh Kulaste and States Commerce and Industry Minister Rajendra Shukla were also present.

Chouhan said that specialist doctors and latest health facilities would be available at the super specialty hospital which will prove to be a milestone. Rewa was fast moving towards becoming a MAHANAGAR. Vindhya is full of resources. Now people of Vindhya will not be allowed to remain in poverty. Water from Bargi will also be provided soon in the region. Chouhan hoped that if people and the government will work in tandem for the development and success of people welfare schemes, the day was not far off when Rewa would be included in the best cities of the World. He also took a pledge from the people that they will work in tandem with the government.

The Chief Minister said that it was necessary for an educated and developed Madhya Pradesh that every child goes to school. School going children are being provided free books and scholarships. Soon cycles will also be provided to them. The government was preparing a scheme so that no child is devoid of education because of inability to pay school fees. He said that Girl child is the future of state and congratulated for an increased number of girl child taking birth in Rewa hospital. He also congratulated for effective implementation of PNBT Act in the district.

Chouhan said that he waited for two hours at the state hanger for weather clearance to fly to Rewa before deciding to participate in the function through tele-conferencing so that the hospital construction work was not delayed.

Union Minister Kulaste said that the super specialty hospital would be on the lines of super specialty model of AIIMS so that the people of Vindhya get latest and quality life saving health care. He said that the Union government was making efforts to provide best health services under National health mission. He said super specialty hospitals would also be opened in Gwalior and Jabalpur Medical colleges at the cost of Rs 150 crore each.