Ujjain: Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan reached Ujjain early on Friday morning from Sidhi via Shahdol-Jabalpur-Indore. He met saints and seers in areas affected by rains and gale last night and assured them of full cooperation. Chouhan went round Mangalnath, which bore the brunt of cyclonic storm and gave necessary directives to officers. He was accompanied by In-charge Minister Bhupendra Singh, Minister of State for GAD Lal Singh Arya, Chief Secretary Anthony DeSa, Principal Secretary Urban Development and Environment Malay Shrivastava, Secretary Urban Development and Environment Vivek Agrawal and Tarana MLA Anil Firojiya.
After visit to Mangalnath zone, the Chief Minister reached Circuit House passing through Kamed in Mela area. He directed the In-charge Minister and concerning officers to restore complete normalcy in Mangalanth area by Saturday. Motivating officers, the Chief Minister said, Dont lose heart and perform in this disaster, too.
He directed Secretary Agrawal to remove broken tents and other debris and establish new ones in Mela area. He directed to spread adequate quantity of powered gitti to soak mud. Similar suction machines should be pressed into service as required for flushing out sewer water from drains and nullahs. The Chief Minister directed that in every case adequate food grains should be made available to saints and seers whose food stuff has been destroyed. He directed Chief Secretary Anthony DeSa to allot additional food grains if needed. He also directed for precautionary measures in view of information received from meteorology Department.