New Delhi: Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that Madhya Pradesh is an island of peace with immense possibilities to set up industries. The Chief Minister was speaking at a seminar on possibilities of investment in Madhya Pradesh in New Delhi on Thursday. The seminar was held jointly by Madhya Pradesh government and CII. In the interface with industrialists, Chouhan invited them for investment in Madhya Pradesh. He said that the state government will extend maximum cooperation to them. Investors will face no difficulty in the state. The seminar was held to attract industrialists to Global Investors Summit to be held at Indore in October.
The Chief Minister said that agreements worth Rs 6 lakh crore were signed at the last GIS in year 2014. Within one and half years, investment worth Rs 2 lakh crore is visible at ground level. The state government has land bank of 26,000 hectares for investors. They can book land online from anywhere. Now, all processes of setting up industries are being undertaken on the spot under single table concept in Madhya Pradesh. He said that the state government has constituted a separate department to promote small and cottage industries.
Commerce and Industries Minister Yashodhara Raje Scindia also spoke on the occasion. Chief Secretary Anthony DeSa informed about industrial scenario in the state and concessions being given to investors. Principal Secretary, Industries Mohammad Suleman and Principal Secretary to CM SK Mishra were also present on the occasion.