Bhopal: Noted Bollywood actor Salman Khan said that a class Film Institute would be opened in Madhya Pradesh. While talking to media persons he said that soon a film institute would come up in Madhya Pradesh and people from Mumbai would come to the State. To a query, Chief Minister Kamal Nath, who was also present on the occasion, said, “We would discuss the issue and find out as how the film institute could come up in Madhya Pradesh to nurture the talent of the State.
Salman was here on Monday to announce the IIFA awards that are scheduled in Indore and Bhopal from March 27 to 29. He was accompanied by Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez. For the first time, this award function is being organized outside Mumbai.
Started in the year 2000, so far, the IIFA award function has been organized in 12 countries. This is the first time that Salman Khan will be hosting the prestigious award ceremony.
To a query, Salman Khan said that he is continuously shooting films in Madhya Pradesh. Recently, he was in Maheshwar for shooting and stayed there for 20 days. “Whenever we go to a place for shooting, we go with a crew of over 200 members, but we need local artists. Besides, we require local vehicles, local people and boost local businesses like hotels and restaurants,” he added.
Besides, he stated that apart from completing a film on screens, this is time of digitalization and the movie remains in digital form for years and boosts tourism for that particular place where the movie was shot.
To a query regarding his marriage, Chief Minister Kamal Nath said that he wants Salman to spend more time in Madhya Pradesh, thus he should get married in Madhya Pradesh. “I wish he comes to my home town Chindwara,” he added.
Earlier, Salman narrated his story about his connection to Indore. Recounting memories from his childhood, he said whatever he is today—“and I’m good, not bad”—was because of the learning and education that he got in Madhya Pradesh. The actor had part of his education at Scindia School in Gwalior. He also mentioned that he had stayed in Bhopal for two months about 39 years ago.
The superstar also lauded the leadership and initiative of CM Nath saying a young state like Madhya Pradesh cannot have a younger chief minister than Kamal Nath ‘who can stand up for anything’.
A number of cabinet ministers, including Tourism Minister Surendra Singh Baghel and Culture Minister Vijaylaxmi Sadho, Chhindwara Member of Parliament Nakul Nath and chief secretary of MP SR Mohanty, were also present at the event
Meanwhile, fans of Salman Khan thronged outside the venue of the press conference at Minto Hall in Bhopal and the hotel where the superstar was put up during the day, for hours.