Bhopal: One Stop Centres Sakhi for women will be opened in the 50 districts of the state. Also, 29 centers will be opened to train Anganwadi workers. This information is given by the Minister for Women and Child Development Archana Chitnis after her meeting with the Central Minister for Women and Child Development Maneka Gandhi at New Delhi today. Chitnis informed after meeting with the Central Minister Gandhi that there is only one stop center in Indore at present whereas there is a need to establish such centers in all over the state. Approval has been given to open centers in all the districts by the Minister Gandhi. It may be mentioned that one stop center provides information about dignity and security related to women. Moreover, information about schemes and how to derive benefit from the scheme is being given by the center.

Chitnis further informed that approval to open 29 centers for Anganwadi workers training has been given by the Central Minister. This will facilitate better training to Anganwadi workers. Chitins handed over proposal to the Central Minister to open 79 child development projects and 6 thousand mini Anganwadi. She laid emphasis on the need to increase community centers for malnourished children.