Bhopal: In a major setback to the State government, the central zone bench of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) has slapped a hefty fine of Rs 1 crore on MP government and the Bhopal Municipal Corporation (BMC) for failing to shift the Bhopal slaughter house within deadline. The agencies have also been asked to deposit performance guarantee of Rs 2 crore with MP Pollution Control Board. Government has been asked to ensure that near the present site, new slaughter house is constructed and shifted by March 31, 2018. This order means that till March 31, 2018, the slaughter houses would continue to function at present place in Jinsi locality. Political compulsions are behind the failure of administration to select an alternative place for slaughter house.
Notably, hundreds of protestors including Muslims of the Qureshi caste and Hindus of the Khatik caste from Old Bhopal marched towards the National Green Tribunal (NGT) on Tuesday to protest against the proposed closure of the citys only slaughterhouse before a new one can be set up at an alternative site. The case pertaining to the closure of the old slaughterhouse was scheduled for hearing at the NGT on Tuesday.