Gwalior: Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that treatment facilities are being provided to every needy person in the state. Budget of CM Relief Fund for assisting the poor has been increased from Rs 2 crore to Rs 100 crore. Chouhan along with Union Health Minister JP Nadda and Union Steel and Mines Minister Narendra Singh Tomar was laying foundation stone of super speciality hospital costing Rs 150 crore under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana on the premises of Jaya Arogya Hospital at Gwalior today. On the occasion, Union Health Minister announced to establish state-level cancer treatment unit at Gwalior at a cost of Rs 45 crore.
The Chief Minister said that health sector in the state has witnessed revolution. Today, people are getting treatment facility of every disease in the state. Medicines and necessary health tests are being provided free of cost to patients in government hospitals. He informed that free treatment is provided to people of economically weaker sections suffering from serious diseases under Rajya Beemari Sahayata Nidhi, Mukhyamantri Bal Hriday Upchar Yojana and Mukhyamantri Bal Shravan Yojana. The Chief Minister said that main motto of the state government is to ensure that every person’s basic needs are fulfilled.
Union Minister Nadda said that success has been achieved to curb infectious diseases due to government’s efforts. He informed that Central government is establishing 50 cancer units in the country. Lauded success of vaccination drive under ‘Mission Indradhanush’ in the state, he said that Madhya Pradesh is among pioneer states in the country in this respect. Rate of vaccination in the state has increased by 5 per cent. Due to it maternal-infant mortality rate has declined. He also lauded Sneh Sarokar Yojana being implemented to get rid of malnutrition in the state.
Union Minister Tomar said that people of Gwalior region will not have to go to other places for treatment of serious diseases after construction of super speciality hospital. Lauding Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, he said that Chouhan has brought Madhya Pradesh in the list of developed states by removing tag of sick state through remarkable works towards poverty alleviation, health facilities and infrastructure development. State’s Public Health and Family Welfare Minister Narottam Mishra informed that free medicines have been distributed to 5 lakh people and free medical tests of 50,000 patients have been conducted. Everyday, 75,000 patients are provided free meals in government hospitals. Dialysis and cancer treatment facilities are also being provided free of cost. Women and Child Development Minister Maya Singh, Mayor Vivek Narayan Shejwalkar, MLAs Jaibhan Singh Pawaiyya, Narayan Singh Kushwaha and Bharat Singh Kushwaha were also present on the occasion.