Bhopal: Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said that the state government is committed for the all round development of all the sections of the society. Several unique schemes are being conducted for farmers, laborers and weaker section in the state. Chouhan was addressing the beneficiary convention at gram panchayat Bhathia of block Budhar district Shahdol on Friday. He distributed the benefits of various government schemes to 8 thousand beneficiaries in the convention. Minister for Industries Rajendra Shukla and MLA Pramila Singh were present on the occasion.
Chouhan said that scholarship will be provided for quality education to the poor students of general category. Poor Welfare agenda will be implemented in the state, he added. In order to make farmers financially strong, assistance is being provided to them by various initiatives. Now farmer will have to pay back Rs 90,000 to the bank against a loan of Rs 1 lakh. Referring to the progress of women, Chouhan said that benefit of Ladli Laxmi Yojna has been given to 23 lakh girls in the state. A sum of Rs 7,900 crore has been deposited in their bank accounts. Ladli Laxmi Yojna is the largest scheme of the world.
Moreover, Chouhan during the beneficiary convention said that land lease papers are being given to the people residing at government land for house construction. Residential pattas were distributed among the 79,000 beneficiaries of Shahdol under the scheme. A sum of Rs 1.20 lakh will be given to the poor person for house construction. Further, 8 lakh houses will be constructed for poor in the next two years in the state.
In order to pay pension on time, social security pension will be provided on 10th and 15th of every month in choupals of gram panchayats in presence of public representatives and villagers. Chouhan reiterated that benefits of all the welfare schemes must reach beneficiaries on time. Stringent action will be taken against officer or employee who creates hurdles in the way.
Chief Minister Chouhan made announcements for inception of MA and MSc courses in Jaitpur College from the next academic session, beginning of girls hostel and construction of community health center on the occasion. He further mentioned about sanction of Rs 30.65 crore for construction of Markhidevi dam and Jhiriya Nala dam.