Bhopal: BJP leaders Anil Madhav Dave and MJ Akbar on Tuesday submitted their nomination papers for the biennial election to the Upper House from Madhya Pradesh. Both Dave and Akbar submitted the papers before Returning Officer and Assembly’s Principal Secretary Bhagwandev Israni in the Vidhan Sabha premises here on the last date of filing papers. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, BJP state president Nandkumar Singh Chouhan, state Home Minister Babulal Gaur, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Narottam Mishra and host of State ministers and dignitaries were present on the occasion.
Dave was nominated for the second term from the state while Akbar was earlier elected with the BJP ticket from Jharkhand. Talking to media after filing of papers, the Chief Minister expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah for nominating Dave and Akbar for the two Rajya Sabha seats from the state. He said both the candidates would contribute not only for Madhya Pradesh but entire country.
Giving brief introductions about both the nominees, Chouhan said Dave is not only a nationalist thinker, renowned social activist but also an environmentalist. He contributed immensely for the cleanliness of the holy Narmada River. About Akbar, the Chief Minister said he did not need any introduction and his contribution to the journalism and politics was noteworthy. Madhya Pradesh is fortunate to get him as the RS candidate from the state, Chouhan added.
Earlier, both the nominees went to the state BJP headquarters where they were accorded a warm welcome. They came to the Assembly premises after taking out a rally by the party workers. Of the eleven Rajya Sabha seats in Madhya Pradesh, the term of three parliamentarians Anil Madhav Dave, Chandan Mitra (both Bharatiya Janata Party) and Vijaylaxmi Sadho (Congress) is going to end shortly.
The notification for the biennial election was issued on May 24. The last date for filing nomination is today. Scrutiny will be held tomorrow while names could be withdrawn till June 3. Polling will be held if necessary on June 11.