Bhopal: After Indore, telecom major Bharti Airtel on Wednesday launched 4G services in Bhopal, Raisen and Vidisha districts in Madhya Pradesh. The service, Airtel said, will start in almost all the major cities of the state and Chhattisgarh by end-November. We are delighted to launch our 4G services in Bhopal, Raisen and Vidisha, Bharti Airtel Limited (Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh) Chief Executive Officer Dharmender Khajuria told reporters here. Our valued customers can now upgrade to 4G at no additional cost with our value-for-money plans for pre-paid, post-paid and devices, he added.
Airtel 4G promises to deliver fast mobile broadband speeds and allows customers to enjoy uninterrupted HD video streaming, superfast uploading and downloading of movies, music and images, the CEO said. Khajuria said his company has also announced a new 4G offer for prepaid customers who can now enjoy 10 GB 4G data for just Rs 249 with any new 4G handset.
“With Rs 249 recharge, 1 GB data will be instantly credited to the customer’s account and the additional 9 GB data can be claimed by the customer through My Airtel app,” Khajuria added.